Tuesday, August 08, 2006

a poor kitten

a poor kitten
today, in nayla's garden, a 2 or 3 days old kitten.

"you are lucky not to know that you are born in lebanon."


Blogger BeeAhn said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:04 AM  
Blogger Marvin the Martian said...

Ya3ne schyzophrenia indeed..men shi 3achre da'ayik kenet ra7 ballich bel beke hala' 3am bedhak.

Man, you're good, big time.

3:12 AM  
Blogger BeeAhn said...

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3:45 AM  
Blogger Ostfen said...

I think we all should be very proud to be born in Lebanon, including the kittens among us.

3:52 AM  
Blogger BeeAhn said...

I wrote comment and delete because mis-spelling words. Cheer Up, I am korean, located North Asia.Cheer Up please, you are not alone. I seem to feel your fear. I don't experience it but our nation did war 55 years ago and Our nation Only take a rest war.

I am a programmer and mom of two baby. I want to help you.. but how about ? please reply me

4:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Pilotos israelies se niegan a disparar sobre objetivos marcados por el mando

Israeli pilots 'deliberately miss' targets.

Israel. The Observer

http:// periodistasenguerra.blogspot.com/

6:05 AM  
Blogger heinz said...

Good day Mazen.
Happy to see that you're feeling better than yesterday!!!

Every day's a new day. Eventually it will stop. Then Lebanon will need all of its people.

Hold on.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

I'm so glad to have found your site via a link from another one. I love your "comics" (not comical), your spirit and your talent. Would it be possible for you to post larger visuals? Parfois c'est difficile de lire les mots si petits. Je t'envoie du courage et de l'espoir et de l'amitiée.

12:03 PM  
Blogger Paul Illek said...

Hi Mazen
Glad you're through another night.The drawings are getting better - if that is possible.
I told a Romanian artist/cartoonist about you - Dan thinks you're great

I was thinking that for the rest of us - outside Lebanon - we are just shouting at the TV news: the people of Lebanon ARE news. And those with power:
hear nothing.
Raise the decibels

2:20 PM  
Blogger penultimo said...

http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/5317/3490/320/32023.jpg-This man- of the link- was alone!
Isn't this a tested method,in peace,to stop an attack? Why not in Lebanon or Palestine too, by some thousands and thousands people coming there to help our brothers, of course with hundreds of retinue reporters to fix the immages. Or is so difficult reach those areas? Isn't nosense staing here or there, hidden drinkink, takink sun, hearing musik and only commenting the massacre? Let stop them before, they take all of us!

5:37 PM  
Blogger CirCe said...

This is a wonderful draw!!!
I new poster in my house!!

At least the cat not know nothing about war.

Animals do not do war.

kiss love hug & peace my friend

7:01 PM  
Blogger penultimo said...

hi Foreverfree, still not yet get in use de P.C.? Where Should I contact You? In Your blog there is a phantom going around.ciao

8:26 PM  
Blogger Marijo Zilstra said...

Thanx for your work !!

have you heard of the civil resistance to take place august 12th


could be interesting !!!

p.s. my blog


8:33 PM  
Blogger Μαύρος Γάτος said...


11:00 PM  
Blogger penultimo said...

Libano, guerra produce anche disastro ambientale - agenzia Onu
martedì, 8 agosto 2006 4.12
ROMA (Reuters) - La guerra in corso in Libano da quasi un mese tra Israele e le milizie Hezbollah non sta producendo solo la perdita di centinaia di vite umane e la distruzione di infrastrutture ed edifici, ma rischia anche di causare un disastro ecologico sulle coste del Mediterraneo, mentre una macchia di carburante di oltre 120 chilometri di lunghezza ha raggiunto anche le coste siriane. Lo dice oggi in un dossier InfoRac, un ufficio dell'Agenzia ambientale Onu che si occupa della protezione del bacino che divide Europa, Africa e Asia. Il bombardamento della centrale elettrica libanese di Jiyyeh da parte dell'aviazione israeliana a metà luglio, dice InfoRac che cita fonti libanesi, ha provocato la fuoriuscita di 30.000 tonnellate di olio combustibile per impianto energetico, "un cocktail chimico composto di idrocarburi policiclici aromatici, di sostanze come il benzene, il benzopirene, il tuolene, i policlorobifenili che mettono a rischio la salute dell'ambiente e della parte più esposta dei circa tre milioni di esseri umani" che popolano la zona. Secondo InfoRac, le immagini satellitari mostrano che la macchia di carburante fuoriuscito è lunga ora 120 chilometri, e si è allargata alle coste siriane. Ma alcuni dati raccolti dall'agenzia dell'Onu dicono che tracce di olio combustibile sono state individuate anche sulle coste turche e a Cipro. Da domenica scorsa, dice un comunicato, "è in atto una importante moria di pesci lungo le coste libanesi, attribuibile all'inquinamento da carburante e soprattutto all'azione dei prodotti tossici contenuti". La marea nera ha colpito anche un'importante riserva naturale al largo di Tripoli, quella delle isole Palm, Sanani e Ramina, protetta dalla Convezione di Barcellona sul Mediterraneo. InfoRac teme anche che il bombardamento della centrale di Jiyyeh possa aver causato "una nube inquinante su un'area densamente abitata", ma aggiunge che "a questo proposito mancano totalmente le informazioni necessarie". Certo è invece per i ricercatori il pericolo di "aumento del rischio cancerogeno" a cui è esposta la popolazione delle zone costiere di Libano e Siria invase dal carburante.Cos'altro ancora nel ns/ MEDITERRANEO? C'è molto ancora SignoreIddio, per fermare l'inizio della fine?

11:50 PM  
Blogger penultimo said...

A present to kerbay and Lebanes and Palestinian.

You wrot something about this Man... Remember? I did make it long time ago and at the moment it'd be with the buyer, a very important surgeon from India, may be still living in Sweden, I remember He was a very honest person, that by this, I hope he kan help all in some way from Sweden. I promised You Kerbay, we was about 6.000.000.- coming help libanes people and Palestinians, I confirm very soon we'l be that number. I'm still waiting for, Norwais, Swedens, Danish(without offensives T.shirts), Finlands, Estons,Lituans, I mean all those nord people that for very important matters they take years to help somebody, but for come in Mediterraneo and take our sun they run! Javlar... All of You start a big posting to Kerbay and Mothers from Palestine.You nordist came often to share our sun, our portion of sky, our sands...Now came-on share this time the terrible situation.

1:00 AM  
Blogger mauro biani said...

Cher Mazen,
excuse moi pour mon francaise et pour la répétition du post laissé déjà à Laura.
Je suis avec vous, oui je sais: est tres different parler de l'italie et de roma, mais aussi avec mon travaille de cartoonist je cherche d'informer tout le monde de la tragedie in Libano. Je t'embrasse et je pense que je parlerai de toi e de ton travaille (et de Laura)sur mon blog.
Maintenant te laisse un comics-post dédié a tous les monde de Libano, tres amer satirique, mais beaucoup senti:
(la didascalie dit: " sondages : positions de je peuple libanese") Courage vraiment,
Mauro Biani

1:19 AM  
Blogger Keir said...

Mazen, your ability to keep producing good work is astounding.

Regarding petitions and protests...I posted a link here the other day to get people far from Lebanon thinking about creative ways they could work against the violence. Here it is again, just to encourage ideas.

2:54 AM  
Blogger paquito.puerco. said...

from argentina, i wish that your art win.

and please, excuse my english.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Susanne Christensen said...

Many here in Norway read this blog and on friday one of Mazens drawings figured in a national newspaper here, Morgenbladet. On saturday here in Bergen 500 people were demonstrating in the streets against the israeli bombings. These numbers are very small, that is true - I don't have any impressive figures to post or grand actions to report, I can only say for myself that me and my friends here follow the news closely and feel great frustration and need to help stop this destruction of Libanon and the constant threat to the civilians there.

I have friends in Sweden, one of them is the poet Magnus William-Olsson and this is an e-mail I got from him last week:

Dear Friends

Al Madina Theatre at the center of Beirut has been a vibrant space where leading Arab artists create theatre and cultural activism on a day to day basis. After this most recent war on Lebanon on July 12th 2006 Al Madina Theatre became a home for a number of displaced families and an activity center for hundreds of children all over Beirut.

The Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts & Al-Madina Theatre in addition to numerous volunteers, have been working on alleviating difficulties faced by children in this latest trauma. Within this framework outreach work has focused on bringing children in from surrounding neighborhoods along with those already residing in Al Madina Theatre to partake in creative activities designed to ease their trauma.

This letter is a plea to all our friends in solidarity to help us help those most in need. Numerous non-governmental organizations are trying to do crucial outreach work and are in dire need of direct financial support. Al Madina Theatre along with the Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts desperately need to ensure fuel for the electricity engine, clothes and food and child activity supplies. Please wire the amount you can contribute to the following Bank Account Numbers: Beirut: Moa'taz Dajani: Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts, mobile 00-961-383-9996 Email: arcpa@cyberia.net.lb Arab Bank: Account number: 612-879-810 Mazraa Branch, Lebanon. Mona Knio: Al Madina Theatre, mobile 00-961-359-1433 Email: mknio@lau.edu.lb C/O Massrah Al Madina HSBC: 003-071-750040 Swift code BBMELBBX Ras Beirut Branch, Lebanon.

For more information you can contact in Amman: Raed Asfour: Massrah Al Balad, mobile 00-962-79-5540049 Email: raed@arabttc.org Dina Abu Hamdan: Haya Cultural Center, mobile: 00-962-777-208033 Email: hayac@go.com.jo Samar Dudin: The Creative Network Initiative, mobile: 00-962-777-967777 Email: smdudin@batelco.jo.

Please respond with any amount you can contribute. Please help us help the children.

11:45 AM  
Blogger KAI said...

non mazen, c'est pas vrai ca!
jtassure que meme les bébés tétards nés dans les ptites fuites d'eau sont fiers de naitre au Liban..
a mon avis, le Liban est un pays à comprendre: c'est un pays ou les guerres se succedent indéfiniment, c'est un pays ou il faut cohabiter les chuttes économiques et meme parfois la pauvreté et autres..
sans tout ca, le Liban n'est plus Liban..

11:51 AM  
Blogger Lirun said...


i dont agree with you.. the roller coaster of past and present may represent history but i wish for lebanon a peaceful future where it can restore its glory as the jewel of the crown of the eastern mediterranean..

kerblogger - you are a magician.. making lemonade out of a crazy lemon.. god bless you


12:06 PM  
Blogger Madiot Thierry said...

Salut Mazen,
justement puisque tu fus sous les ficus de Nayla, elle fait passer ce message

"Salut a vous tous.

Vous savez le drame que des centaines de
milliers de libanais vivent. ils sont refugies dans les ecoles
autour de nous et sont demunis de tout. nous essayons de leur
assurer leur nourriture, du lait, des medicaments, ainsi que le
minimum hygienique. nous avons calcule que le besoin quotidien,
par famille, est de 10 dollars.

Ceux d'entre vous qui aimeraient aider, peuvent envoyer leur don a la banque SGBL, au numero de compte suivant:
001-004-361-236446-01-3. au nom de maurice joreige.
voici le code SWIFT: SGLILBBX toute somme est la bienvenue.

Passez ce message autour de vous et, pour diminuer les frais d'envoi, vous pouvez rassembler les sommes.
Bon travail !

Merci d'avance a tous.


11:28 PM  

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