Monday, December 29, 2008


you are strongly encouraged to post it, print it, stick it on the walls of your city, and share it by any means with the biggest number of people you may know.

please do mention/tag/link the author or the blog ( when it is possible.


Blogger D said...

I posted this drawing on my blog.. I added the link to your blog above the drawing. I thought it was genius and it touched me deeply!! And I could not express my anger towards Gaza killings but thought this drawing would tell it all.. Please let me know if it is fine I added it ?!
Cheers and good luck. D.

6:39 PM  
Blogger D said...

oops sorry! being unfocused as I am, I just saw it is fine by you, or you just added this note? Anyway cheers!

6:43 PM  
Blogger mazen (old profile) said...

hello D.
no problem with your focus, i posted the note on the copyright later on :)
thanks for sharing the images.

7:17 PM  
Blogger جنى طرابلسي | jana traboulsi said...

maz, painfully touching your visuals for gaza. i was trying to comment on the flickr page (too complicated web gymnastics for me), it is incredible the amount of comments this illustration has generated:
just... can someone tell Yaronimus Maximus Pro (et tous ses superlatifs) that the children in gaza are not actually sleepless – like the ones of ashkelon, sderot, ashdod, and beer sheva.
but dead.
ton admiratrice, toujours.

2:29 AM  
Blogger جنى طرابلسي | jana traboulsi said...

painfully touching your visuals on gaza.
im amazed by the amount of comments this illustration has generated on flickr (sorry didn't figure out how to add my voice...)
just, can someone explain to Yaronimus Maximus (et tous ses superlatifs) that the children of gaza are not actually sleepless like the ones of ashkelon, sderot, ashdod, and beer sheva.
but dead.

ton admiratrice, toujours.

2:34 AM  

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